Environmental Onsite Inspections & Testing



What is it?

Asbestos, a naturally-occurring substance made up of tiny fibers, mainly exists at a microscopic scale, making most of its fibers difficult to perceive under standard commercial microscopes. Due to its exceptional resistance to corrosion and heat, asbestos has been a fundamental ingredient in the production of various building materials for an extended period. These materials encompass, but are not restricted to, floor tiles, vinyl, pipe insulation, and wall texture.

Why is this Important?

Given the asbestos bans instituted by both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), it is crucial to dispel common misconceptions surrounding a comprehensive EPA ban on asbestos-containing materials (ACM). Recognizing that the risk of asbestos-related diseases is influenced by various factors is essential. These factors include the source, extent, and duration of exposure, the chemical composition, size, and configuration of asbestos fibers, and the presence of pre-existing health conditions. Therefore, a nuanced understanding of these complex variables is indispensable for a thorough assessment of the risks linked to asbestos exposure.

Onsite Inspections

PLM Sampling

Visual Assessments

Final Air Clearances

Major and Minor Spill Delineation

Micro-vac Sampling

Project Design

Asbestos Awareness Training

Abatement Over-site

Osha Personal Monitoring

Area Monitoring

Onsite Inspections • PLM Sampling • Visual Assessments • Final Air Clearances • Major and Minor Spill Delineation • Micro-vac Sampling • Project Design • Asbestos Awareness Training • Abatement Over-site • Osha Personal Monitoring • Area Monitoring •



What is it?

Molds are tiny pathogenic microorganisms that flourish in moist and humid environments. These microscopic entities undergo reproduction, and the resulting spores can become airborne. As a result, mold spores can travel through both indoor and outdoor air, facilitating the potential spread of the affected area.

Why is this Important?

The effects of mold on an individual's health can vary considerably based on their overall well-being. Symptoms may range from mild, resembling common cold discomfort, to more severe and persistent manifestations, such as chronic illness and respiratory conditions, including lung disease.

Complete Building Inspections

Indoor Air Quality Sampling

Remediation Services

HVAC Inspection

Remediation Protocol and Design

Post Abatement Clearance Sampling

Complete Building Inspections • Indoor Air Quality Sampling • Remediation Services • HVAC Inspection • Remediation Protocol and Design • Post Abatement Clearance Sampling •



What is it?

Contamination arising from smoking or the production of methamphetamine can leave lingering traces of the substance on surfaces and within ventilation systems. These residues have the potential to cause health issues similar to those experienced by chronic methamphetamine users, impacting both individuals and their pets. It is crucial to acknowledge that the consequences of smoking and methamphetamine production can pose a substantial threat to anyone exposed to the contaminated environment.

Why is this Important?

Although methamphetamine residue naturally diminishes over time through contact with people, pets, and cleaning efforts, it is essential to recognize that substantial levels of residue, capable of causing noticeable adverse effects, have been found within residences even years after methamphetamine production in a specific area. This emphasizes the persistence and potential long-term consequences of such contamination.

Meth Lab Indentification

Screening Assessments

Preliminary Site Assessments

Meth Sampling

Post Remediation Assessments

Evaluation of Clean-up Levels

Residential, Commercial, Vehicles

Meth Lab Indentification • Screening Assessments • Preliminary Site Assessments • Meth Sampling • Post Remediation Assessments • Evaluation of Clean-up Levels • Residential, Commercial, Vehicles •


Lead-based Paint

What is it?

Contamination from lead-based paint occurs when surfaces coated with such paint degrade over time, releasing lead dust and particles into the surroundings. Despite the ban on lead-based paint in residential properties in the late 1970s, numerous older homes and buildings still harbor layers of this hazardous material. Exposure to lead dust and paint chips can pose severe health risks, especially for young children and pregnant women. The lasting repercussions of lead-based paint contamination underscore the significance of recognizing and addressing this environmental hazard.

Why is this Important?

Similar to methamphetamine residue, lead-based paint contamination has the capacity to endure over time, presenting a persistent threat to health and well-being. Despite the paint application occurring decades ago, its dangers persist, particularly as it deteriorates into dust and chips. It's vital to acknowledge that significant levels of lead contamination have been identified in homes and buildings, even years after the paint's initial application. This emphasizes the lasting nature of lead-based paint hazards and the potential for enduring health consequences, underscoring the need for proactive measures to address this issue.

Project Design

Project Management

Soils Testing

Lead in Water Sampling

ATP Testing

Soot Testing

XRF Gun Testing

Project Design • Project Management • Soils Testing • Lead in Water Sampling • ATP Testing • Soot Testing • XRF Gun Testing •